Antenatal Education

Cuidiú antenatal classes, aim to provide information on all aspects of pregnancy and giving birth, to assist you to make your own informed choices. The classes aim to empower you and your birth partner, to be confident in your ability to give birth, with a wide variety of skills and knowledge. Call Veronica (087 1379186) for further details. 






Cuidiú Antenatal Educators are members of Antenatal Ireland ( Their role is to offer support, information, practical skills and resources to parents, to help them make more informed choices. They are not qualified to offer medical advice and we would always recommend you speak to your midwife or doctor, on specific medical issues.

Cuidiú Antenatal Educators undertake a full training programme to gain a professional qualification in antenatal education.  Our teachers have trained either through the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) UK or within the Cuidiú Antenatal Teacher Training programme. They hold Diplomas in Antenatal Education. Cuidiú now provides antenatal teacher training in Ireland and the training programme continues to be a rigourous and innovative approach to training in antenatal education

Once qualified, Cuidiú Antenatal Educators gain a Cuidiú (Antenatal Ireland) Licence to Practise. Cuidiú (Antenatal Ireland) assures quality with ongoing training and supervision.

Educators are required to attend study days, keep their knowledge on research up to date and have an in-depth knowledge of current developments in the field.

Standards are maintained by regular reviews, the first review after one year of practice and thereafter every three years. The Licence to Practise is renewed annually only if the requisite conditions are met.